This page is your ultimate guide towards optimizing library resources and facilities. Access to online booking or reservation for library space, make appointment with our team to learn about new resources and tools and get the latest information about events held at the library.
Reserve a Space
Use our online tool to book study rooms in the library.
- Perpustakaan Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra
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- Discussion Rooms
- Carrel Rooms
- Interactive Learning Zone
- Nexus Coworking Spaces
- Perpustakaan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan
- All Categories
- Discussion Room
- Interactive Learning Room
- Hub Digital
- Interactive Learning Room
The library would like all users to understand the basic requirements for making online space reservations. Please read our guide, rules and regulations related to space reservation in the library.
Today's Hours
Book a Research Appointment
Meet one on one with one of our expert librarians and get help with your research.
- View All Staff
- Azni Yantee Abdul Raoh
- Dzulhailie M. Bakri
- Hasdarinar Abd Jalal
- Maziah Md Isa
- Mazmin Mat Akhir
- Md Nizam Azid
- Media Guides
- Mohd Fadlli
- Mohd Shahrul Annuar Alawi
- Muhammad Aliff Abd Rashid
- Nazirah Zainul Abidin
- Norakmal Abd Karim
- Norshafira Yahya
- Siti Assma Man
- Suhaidah Mat Rus @ Darus
- Suhana Md Taha
- Yang Maisarah Yang Azizi